Have You Ever Wondered Why Mathematics Works?

Do numbers and maths point to God?

This article is a modified version of the chapter in
Have You Ever Wondered?, the best-selling new book from Solas.

During my schooldays I hated maths with a vengeance. Maths was hard, maths was difficult, but above all it seemed to me to be mind-numbingly boring. I particularly hated negative numbers and would stop at nothing to avoid them. Terrible jokes aside, my dislike of maths wasn’t unusual for many of us struggle when it comes to anything to do with numbers; indeed it’s been remarked that there are three types of people in the world: those who can count and those who can’t.

What finally got me excited about maths in my late teens was when I discovered computers and in particular computer programming. Rather than numbers that described things (“six curries”, “three trips to the loo”, “one bad night’s sleep” etc.) with computers came numbers that did things. Give a computer the right numbers and it could play a game, draw a picture, or solve a problem.

Have You Ever Wondered Why We Long for Happiness?

We are a happiness obsessed culture. Every day, a million Westerners type “happiness” into Google. There are hundreds of books telling you how to find happiness, podcasts discussing it, movies and songs all about it. Coming of age in the 90s, I can still remember the cheerful bubble-gum flavoured lyrics of R.E.M.’s classic Shiny Happy People. Whilst more seriously, among the most popular programs ever run at Harvard University were Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar’s lectures on positive psychology, nicknamed “The Happiness Course”.

But have you ever wondered why we humans pursue happiness? After all, the rest of the animal kingdom usually seems pretty content with just the biological basics: survival and reproduction. But humans? We need so much more than merely the bare necessities of life: so what is going on here?

Have You Ever Wondered?

Beauty. Justice. Identity. Love. Stories. Nature. Hope. These things intrigue us, move us and prompt us to ask big questions. Could there be clues in our deepest desires that point to life’s meaning?

Have You Ever Wondered? Finding the Everyday Clues to Meaning, Purpose and Spirituality is a fun, readable, and accessible book designed to gently start spiritual conversations. It’s one of the most exciting books it’s been my privilege to be involved with!

New Book Launched: “Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?”

My latest book, Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? launched with IVP on 18 March 2021 in the UK (it’s coming a few weeks later in Canada and the USA).

If you’re in the UK, you can order it from a number of booksellers including 10ofThose, Eden Books, IVP direct, Aslan Christian Books — or, if you’re desperate, Waterstones or Amazon.

American and Canadian folks can pre-order it from ChristianBook.com — it launches in North America in May.

It is also available in ebook (most formats) as well as an audiobook — the audiobook can be purchased direct from IVP, or from Audible.

Read a Free Sample!

Download chapter 1 (and the table of contents) as a PDF.

Listen to a Free Sample!

Listen to the first chapter of the audio book, brilliantly narrated/read by Neil Gardner. If the media player below doesn’t work, or if you’d prefer to listen to it using a different app, you can download the MP3 here.

Here’s what people are saying about the book:

A nuanced and sensitive examination, from an overtly Christian perspective, of how to negotiate a truth that is no less self-evident for being one that many prefer to draw a veil across: Christianity and Islam are not remotely the same.”
~ Tom Holland ― author of Dominion and In the Shadow of the Sword

“A must-read for the curious whether you have faith already or not. Prepare to be entertained, edified and gripped – I found myself unable to put it down.”
~ Dr Amy Orr-Ewing ― President, OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics

“We need thinkers who have studied both religions extensively. Andy Bannister is just such an expert and he helps us wrestle with this important question with the depth and care it deserves.”
~ Randy Newman ― Senior Fellow at The C. S. Lewis Institute and author of Questioning Evangelism.

“This book is a must-read for all interested in inter-religious issues, both believers and non-believers.”
~ Peter G Riddell ― SOAS University of London and Australian College of Theology

“Persistently challenging, consistently provoking, deeply searching, and endlessly witty!”
~ Anna Robbins ― President and Dean of Theology, Acadia University

“A sharp witted, big hearted, and clear minded romp through one of the most pressing religious questions of our time.”
~ Dr Richard Shumack ― Research Fellow, Centre for Public Christianity and Director, Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam, Melbourne School of Theology

Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?

Cover Art and Endorsements Announced

It’s only a few weeks until the launch of my new book, Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? and I thought you might like to see the cover art. I’m thrilled with some of the kind and generous comments from folks who endorsed the book. (Click the image to see a larger version, if you wish).

Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? is being published on 18 March in the UK (available a few weeks later in the USA/Canada). It’ll be available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats as well.

If you’d like to get your hands on a signed copy of the book before it is officially published then sign up for the Solas email list (the organisation I lead in the UK) and we’ll be letting folks know very soon how to get hold of a copy earlier than the rest of the world!