I recently posted a short video on social video that took a whistle stop (60 seconds!) look at lots of arguments for the existence of God. Each of them has loads more detail behind them, so below there’s a list of further resources.
If you’d like to see the short videos on a wide range of topics I post every couple of days, simply subscribe to my new YouTube channel here:
The Cosmological Argument
The Argument from Contingency
The Fine-Tuning Argument
The Argument from Design
The Argument from Mathematics
The Argument from Rationality/Order
The Argument from Desire
The Argument from Beauty
The Argument from Meaning
The Argument from Morality
The Argument from Religious Experience
The Argument from Miracles
The Argument from the Life of Jesus
The Argument from the Resurrection
For many more see …
- https://www.solas-cpc.org/a-beginners-guide-to-apologetics-complete-series/
- https://www.peterkreeft.com/topics-more/20_arguments-gods-existence.htm
And explore the Solas “Short Answers” video series: